Eurojust assists in setting up first joint investigation team with EPPO at request of Swedish authorities

28 February 2022|PRESS RELEASE

Logos of EPPO, EurojustEurojust has, for the first time, supported the setting up of a joint investigation team (JIT) with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). This was done at the request of the EPPO and the Swedish authorities, in order to investigate a major case of VAT fraud. The JIT is the first ever to involve the EPPO since taking office in 2021.

Cross-border VAT or carrousel frauds of over EUR 10 million fall under the competence of the EPPO. As Sweden does not participate in the EPPO, cross-border cooperation in these kind of cases may be enabled by Eurojust.


The JIT agreement was signed by Sweden and the French European Delegated Prosecutor at the EPPO, with the participation of Eurojust, to support investigations between the Swedish authorities and the EPPO. The case concerns long-term investigations into a large-scale VAT fraud conducted from amongst others France, among other countries. The fraud damages the Swedish tax office and also involves other EU Member States.

Eurojust was already involved in the case before the EPPO evoked the investigations from the French authorities and organised coordination meetings to prepare for the setting up of the JIT. The Agency provided legal support during the drafting of the JIT agreement and proposed solutions to new legal issues arising from the involvement of the EPPO in such a team. Eurojust and the EPPO signed a Working Arrangement in February of 2021 to facilitate cooperation between the Agency and the EPPO in Luxembourg.